Spring is here! Don’t wait for April showers to reveal a fault in your gutter system. Now is the time to perform cleaning tasks and maintenance around your home. Even though this past winter was relatively mild, your gutters still bore the brunt of snow, ice and sleet. Before spring showers arrive, here are some helpful tips for getting your gutter system prepared.

Spring Inspection

No matter how decent your gutters look from the outside, there may be hazards lurking within. It’s recommended you perform a thorough gutter cleaning twice a year, at the end of fall and the beginning of spring.

Gutters are essential for keeping rainwater away from your roof and siding, so your home doesn’t suffer from mildew and rot. A faulty gutter system can cause serious damage to your home, so a spring checkup and cleaning should be on your to-do list.

Test Performance

During the winter, gutter clogs are common. Leftover leaves from fall, broken twigs and other debris can fall into the gutter channel and impede the flow of water.

On a warm afternoon, check your gutter performance by running water from a garden hose down the channel. If water is slow to come out of the spout – or no water comes through at all – chances are something is clogging the drain. Have a gutter professional perform an inspection to determine the cause of the issue.

Check for Damage

While on the roof, also check for cracks in the gutter channel, gaps between sections and bird nests that have formed. A gutter specialist can address the issues you find, so you don’t have to worry about further damage throughout the season.

Consider Gutter Covers

These systems place a perforated cover over your gutter, so leaves and other debris can’t get in. Many homeowners with property in wooded areas opt for this solution, since it can save time and money on gutter maintenance.
Is your home ready for the new season? To learn more about our property management services, contact us today!

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